Monday, August 29, 2022

5 Office Chair Features You Should Include in Office Today | Value Office Furniture

Your back and other body parts may express discomfort if you’ve been sitting for eight hours or more in an uncomfortable chair at work. However, your physical health could be seriously compromised if you sit in an un-ergonomic chair for too long.

Poorly designed executive office chairs can cause many problems, including poorposture, fatigue, and arm pain. These are the top office chair features you shouldinclude when selecting one:

•Adjust the Seat Height

Your elbows will touch the desk surface if your seat is too low. You will need to stretch to reach your keyboard, phone, or desk. You could quickly develop issues like shoulder pain or carpal tunnel by overreaching and leaning on the computer.

On the other hand, your posture may be affected by a high seat. You won’t feel any pain in your back if your feet aren’t on the ground. You should be able to adjust the office chair’s height at your convenience.

•Your Chair Should be of Equal Width and Depth

Chairs that are not big enough to support your hips and deep enough for your backside won’t provide enough support. An office chair that is not deep enough should have the person sitting on it with their back against it. Their knees should be approximately 1-2 inches away from the front. A seat with an adjustable depth setting is essential for tall people. This will ensure that your weight distribution between your butts and thighs is good. If you’re very short, the seat should be able to retract so that it doesn’t push into your knees.

•Arm Rests

Armrests are a great way to maintain an upright posture and unload your upperback, torso, and legs. Due to this, you can also get in and out of the chair. Your back should not be against the seat. You should be able to sit comfortably with your elbows supported on the armrest. Chairs with adjustable armrests are great for anyone, regardless of height. This will ensure your arms are in a 90-degree bend so you don’t lean on your desk when typing.

•Seat Comfort

Your back and legs will hurt if you sit on something that looks like concrete for longperiods. Good ergonomic office chairs should provide enough support for your back, buttocks, and hips. You should not sink into it like a feather pillow. It shouldn’tbe so hard that it causes pain or numbness. Many prefer a plastic mesh weave to allow air to flow better and reduce heat buildup. While some fabrics are breathable,others can increase body temperature, such as vinyl.

•All Chairs Swivel for a Reason

A swiveling chair can be a huge asset if you constantly move around the office. Aswivel chair will prevent you from straining your back while reaching for items. Inaddition, injury prevention is possible if you rotate your entire seat rather than twisting your back.

•Be Wise & Sit Comfortably

Although you might not be able to control the office chair at work, it is important toknow how to adjust and use it. If you have the chance to purchase a chair, it is important that it fits your body and has adjustable features. An ergonomic chair isessential for good ergonomics and good seated work health. So choose carefully and enjoy a comfortable seat for your long-lasting health.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Move Height Adjustable Desk Top Stand | Value Office Furniture

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

5 Facts to Consider Before Purchasing Office Furniture | Value Office Furniture

When it comes to starting and running a business, the furniture used for employee workspaces is usually low on the priority list. Office design, on the other hand, can be an undeniably powerful key to success that is all too often overlooked. After all, employees who are satisfied with their workplace are 12 percent more productive and outperform the competition by 20 percent. Believe it or not, your office furniture and layout play a role in your level of happiness and success! Here are five factors to consider when purchasing office furniture, as well as how those factors should influence your final purchase decision.

Monday, August 8, 2022

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying an Office Desk in Sydney | Value Office Furniture

 Purchasing new furniture pieces may be exciting and intimidating at the same time. Due to the numerous elements to take into account, acquiring office furniture is frequently more difficult than purchasing office equipment. Choosing what items to purchase can be difficult, whether you are beginning off or providing your workplace a revamp.

Image Source: Value Office Furniture

Many people turn to buying an office desk when they need to furnish their workspace. There are many things people should consider before making this purchase. Understanding the ins and outs of buying office furniture in Sydney will help create a comfortable and productive working environment.

5 Things to Look for When Purchasing Office Desks

1. Don’t Settle for Less

When buying corner office desks, think carefully about what kind of user you are. Most people purchase a desk that fits their work style. For example, if you’re a formal person who prefers matching furniture to your décor, then buy matching desks for your computer and filing cabinets.

Avoid purchasing desks that don’t fit your preferences or that clash with your other furnishings. Additionally, think about how frequently you use your workspace’s components. If you use your computer daily but rarely move it, then a less expensive used desk may suffice. Lastly, budget carefully when purchasing an office desk as extra costs can accumulate quickly— particularly if you choose to refurbish the piece yourself.

2. Never Hassle Over Buying

Buying an office desk can save workplace owners time and money by reducing mistakes early in the design process. Take note of the tasks that occur in each workstation so that you can buy an appropriate desk for your needs and preferences first and foremost. 

Further, research various refurbished options available on the market before refurbishing your workspace components as extra costs can accumulate quickly with no way to avoid them through planning.

3. Not Keeping Work in Mind

When buying a new office desk, there are several considerations that should go into the design process. First, look at the size of the workstation before choosing a model. Most people find smaller desks more comfortable since they don’t have as much room for clutter or paperwork overruns. Next, consider which features are necessary for effective work-related activities such as writing documents or performing computations on a computer screen.

Some workplaces may require noise abatement from computer users so acoustic panels may be in order instead of windows or doors for this purpose. Additionally, think about how accessible each part of the workstation is so that workers don’t end up tripping over extension cords while trying to complete their duties.

4. No Planning

Appetitive purchases, like any significant expenditure, may leave you afterward hating your choice. Think about how frequently the product will be utilized and if it is durable enough for long-term use. If you’re relocating to a larger workplace, think about the requirements of the new workplace. Check out at your existing furniture as well. Find out whatever your staff dislikes about the current system and also what they would want to see changed. Above everything, consider the long term. Avoid obsessing over style fashions that will make your room feel antiquated in the coming years.

5. Selecting Value Over Reliability

Your pocketbook and finances may find a cheaper item tempting, but the grade might not be as great as a more costly item. For instance, even if two desks can have a close similarity, the more costly one might last a couple of times further. In this instance, the more overpriced item would provide you with greater value. Avoid buying overly large desks as these can be uncomfortable to use and take up too much space in the workplace area.


Every victory in life starts with a baby step, and office desks is no different. The company will eventually expand, and you’ll need additional room and furnishings as a result. The decision-making approach that gets to choosing and buying office furniture pieces is the only item that hasn’t changed over. Be patient and prevent getting the incorrect furnishings. For the best outcomes, explore all the possibilities.

Monday, August 1, 2022

5 Ways Office Furniture Will Make Your Workplace Better | Value Office Furniture

 You may not have control over many of the elements that influence your employees' contentment as an employer, but you do have control over one critical factor which is your workplace. Creating a work atmosphere that promotes employee pleasure is one of the most effective methods to boost productivity. You may be wondering how you can begin establishing a better workplace for your employees.

Image Source: Value Office Furniture

Starting with your workplace furniture is the greatest place to begin. Your office furniture may not be something you consider frequently, yet it is the foundation of your working environment. Your company's identity and employee productivity can be made or spoiled by the office furniture you have in your workplace.

Continue Reading for 5 Ways That the Correct Office Furniture May Improve Your Workplace

1. Provides a Sense of Comfort and a Proper Place to Work In

The correct office furniture can help your staff operate in a more pleasant environment. When your employees are happy and enjoy sitting (or standing) at their office desks, they are more likely to be productive. When selecting office furniture for your company, think about how it will make your staff feel as they use it all day.

2. Helps You Stay Organized

Clutter around the office may be stressful, especially in a crowded office where finding the proper file or paper is critical. If your workspace is messy and untidy, the correct office furniture might help you arrange it. Office furniture may manage your workstation by utilizing vertical space rather than horizontal space, as well as space-saving drawers and shelves, leaving more time for your staff to be productive.

3. Helps in Designating Spaces for Employees to Work In

Creating designated locations or zones throughout your company is another way that office furniture can boost productivity. While open floor patterns are popular, most businesses have unique requirements for specific sections. The correct office furniture can carve out spaces in a workplace for collaboration, incubation, and socializing, as well as individual spaces for when you need some peace and quiet. There will be options for your employees to be productive if you provide them with a range of workstations.

4. Lighting Can be Determined by Office Furniture

Natural lighting has a significant impact on staff productivity. Employees who are exposed to natural elements have higher levels of serotonin in their brains, making them happier and more productive. Office Furniture allows you to rearrange your workplace so that more natural light from windows enters. The design options with fantastic office furniture are limitless.

5. Maintaining The Health of Your Employees

Office furniture boosts productivity by increasing your employees' health. Employees who are in discomfort or have to miss work for doctor's appointments or procedures are unable to concentrate on work. Ergonomic office furniture is an excellent solution for minimizing employees' work-related suffering, such as back pain and arthritis, which can result from poor posture and prolonged sitting. When you invest in quality office furniture, you are investing in the health and productivity of your employees.

Purchasing office furniture can be a significant expense at times. So, without more thinking as to what type of furniture your workplace should have, choosing the modular furniture alternatives from Value Office Furniture will benefit both your office and your staff.

Maximizing Space with Compact Office Furniture in Perth | Value Office Furniture

 Advanced and compact office furniture offers multifaceted advantages. It optimizes space utilization, fostering a clutter-free environment,...